Beat Down Burnout

Are You Listening?

I was speaking with a CMO recently, and asked him what we need to do to improve how physicians communicate to administrators. He said the onus is not on the providers, but on Administration. He went on to say that as leaders, the only thing that is worse than criticism, is being unheard. He elaborated by saying that there are few things that will corrode a relationship worse than criticism, and not listening to your people is right up there. If you want your people, your organization to turn against you, then criticize them, often unfairly. The second most hurtful thing you can do is to not listen to them when they speak. To make them unheard, or feel unheard, is almost as damaging as criticism.


This is huge. This is why learning to listen has such impact. We ALL want to be heard. It’s essential to who we are. It reaffirms that we are valued. Everyone wants to be valued. This brings us back to One World One Language, the seminar where I introduce the tools, the technology, and the system to raise your communication. I offer this free workshop twice monthly. I show you the basic tools for burnout prevention and burnout recover. Here is the link to sign up. The processes and universal truths discussed in this one-hour event will not only help you connect better with your colleagues, and negotiate with admin, but will improve relationships. People have said, “This made me a better partner, a better parent.”


Let me know how I can help you.

Nanette Nuessle